Sunday, March 05, 2006

Man+Machine : Madness

Formula1 season opener Bahrain GP is only a week away.
So from now, i will continue my last year blogging about it and providing various useful article extracts with links to full articles. keep checking if you heart runs petrol, your body is made of carbon fibre and your physique is aerodynamically optimal. ;)

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Express Yourself

Why? Why it is difficult for someone to express his/her most precious feelings called love. Why someone loves one from the bottom of the heart yet so afraid to tell about it. Why, when we love someone so much, are afraid of losing them if we express our feelings? Why don't we have the conviction which is fundamental for any emotion especially love?

And I don't know the reason.

P.S. Some relationships stay as friendship while they have potential for much more

Saturday, February 25, 2006

My first poem

Shekhar scrapped me shayrana on orkut.

Which forced me to come up with something original, so here is my first original poem/shayri

Manzil sabhi ki ek hai, rastey kayi ban gaye
Manzilon se bhi pehle, sab rastey milte gaye

Manzil ki kisko fikra, jab rastye ho suhane
Un suhane raston per, ho aap jaise humsafar

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Rudeness personified

I went into introspection mode last day and there were two reasons for it. First one is that I have all the world's time at my disposal and the second one, more important, is a lot of people, some of them are very close to me, are complaining that I am being very rude to them on some occasions.

I must agree, after those 5 hours of thinking and wasting two of my friends' one hour each, occasionaly I do behave *rude*, so to say. But my sole intention is to add some pun to a very heavygoing/boring discussion.

People take it offensive, and this includes my best friends who know me for more than one and a half year!! I don't know what to do. Should I adapt myself. After the feedback I got from the counselling of two friends, I think I need to.

So, my resolution for the day is,

"No more offensive pun, No witty one liners, No sarcasm, only Direct Dil Se"

Monday, February 20, 2006

Trying to change myself

So after writing the post today afternoon.. I thought and I did my best to resist myself..
and in between watch two movies of totally different genre...

first one was Chasme Baddur .. and I must say.. such a beautiful made movie.. simple, down to earth, scenes closer to day to day life and a twist in the tale.. such a simple yet humoruous movie you can't resist yourself from laughing at the pity of Siddharth Parashar

Second was grandeur Gladiator ... breathtaking visual, splendid starcast, superb acting and packed script.. shooted with excellence..

these two movies.. of two extremely different kind.. really made my day.. it is the time to play Counter Strike.. but I am not playing.. planning to watch another movie..

And i forgot to mention.. just finished watching Eurotrip .. what a funny movie.. watched it with Prakhar and my dear Maadu.. and we were rolling on the floor all the time.. not that much humour but we made it ourselves ;)

time to start a new movie, in most probability it will be pirates of carribean .. cya folks..

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Experiment with myself

so I haven't posted for past four five days.. got quite busy..with my first love.. my computer

The daily schedule went awry, the planning went to nadir, nothing worked as per plan and what all I did these days? playing Counter Strike and FIFA 2005 and Formula1 2002 and Pedal to the metal and... the list goes on.

Seriously.. sometimes I think, am I wasting my useful days playing those silly computer games. But then I realise there are learnings in those games also.

So after lots of thinking, I bring this list of what one can learn from these games:

1. Team building (CS)
2. Strategy (CS)
3. Tactics (FIFA)
4. Teamplay (FIFA)
5. Consistency (F1)
6. Business Simulation (Pedal to the Metal)
7. Competitive Analysis (CS)
8. It ain't over until it is over (F1) ... Anubhav will agree
9. Jinx (F1) @ spa

However, all this gaming action is taking its toll.. Feeling extremely tired.. haven't seen any movie in past week, haven't read newspaper, haven't seen morning sun, haven't taken breakfast for ages, haven't played TT for so much time.. the list is endless.

Still unable to decide.. but I think I will have to resist myself..

Monday, February 13, 2006

C Program to Propose a girl

Found this somewhere on the net

/*C Program to Propose a girl*/
#define Cute beautiful_lady
goto college;
if(lady ==Cute )
while( !reply ){
printf("I Love U");
if(reply == "GAALI")
main(); /* go back and repeat the process */
else if(reply == "SANDAL ")
else if(reply == "I Love U"){
lover =Cute ;
love = (heart*)malloc(sizeof(lover));
goto restaurant;
pay->money = lover->money;
goto cinema;
if(time ==6.00)
goto park;
for(time=6.30;time<= 8.30;time+=0.001)
kiss = kiss+1;
if(time ==9.30)
goto pub;
if(pub.close()){ pay->bill;
if (highly->intoxicated)
goto friendsroom;
friendsroom: { goto sleep; }
sleep: { *(dream)=love; }

No Limits.

Disclaimer: the next few lines are controversial and debatable.. but I can post them here.. coz my blog is the only place where I can rave and rant about anything I like..

In every sense, we say the world is a global village. Globalization, Multinationals.. have blurred the boundaries of the nations.. So the future I see is not being a countryman but being a global citizen..

It may sound like blasphemy but we(me included) should try to raise ourself above this bar of being a particular country.. instead we should try to live as a Global human being..

Friday, February 10, 2006

Web 2.0

Reading a lot of Web 2.0 these days.

The concept is simple.. people create their own content, define it using tags and other methods and put in public domain for others to see. The idea is to create a participative platform for social networking and content sharing. The technical backbone is XML and with the increasing use of AJAX, which is enabling people to come up with so many creative ideas for participative semantic web.

So here is my list of Web 2.0:

More to follow


Having my ultimate exam for penultimate round of exams..

The subject is called ITSB.. and a thought (quite old) strikes my mind

Where have we lost wisdom in knowledge?
Where have we lost knowledge in information?
Where have we lost information in data?
Where have we lost data?
(backup kyon nahi kiya :) )

A Practical Idealist or a Hypocrite?

Sometimes when I introspect.. I have a mixed feeling. Am I a practical idealist who has certain ethics and principles but who is weak enough to not to follow them fully? Or am I simply a hypocrite who says something and does another?

Incident happened today let me rethink my principles. Idealist survives but a practical person succeed. People cheat and come clear but there are people who don't cheat and stay where they are forever their life. People use their networks, assets and stature to gain undue advantage of the situation which is not right (The Capitalist in me is arguing with argument)

I am still confused..
Are you help?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Himanshujain @ Flickr

Did lots of Flickring today..

check out @

Blog of an insomniac

Exam tomorrow.. it will be second last round of examination for my life or so to say my stint at Nirma.. but not feeling like giving one...

Despite the mounting tension, managed to play FIFA for 2 hours and then Counter Strike for another one and a half.. and for past 2 hours..just surfing the net and doing nothing else..what a life

It is 4 o clock in the morning and not feeling like sleeping and not feeling like doing anything.. what is this? height of laziness, extreme of indifference or the so-called Nirvana!!

I don't know.. does anyone have the answer?

"Life's Most Important things are not things"

Two Geeks

Two geeks @ Nirma

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

With Best Wishes
Himanshu Jain